Video test clips from Canon 5D Mark II gets analyzed

Kategorier: English-articles,Film & Foto

(Info in Norwegian:
Denne artikkelen er på engelsk fordi den kan ha internasjonal interesse. Og til dere som er lei av Canon 5D: bare hopp over denne artikkelen og gled dere til det andre vi har utsatt litt fordi denne nye dingsen kan se ut til å endre litt av måten vi jobber på i bransjen vår.)

We’ve managed to get hold of some video clips from a Canon 5D Mark II pre-production model. We will not publish the clips here, but we’ve analyzed them and these clips turns out very promising.

Please read the following with the fact that the clips probably are taken with an early, not finished model of the camera in mind. We take no responsibility for the accuracy of the data we’ve found compared to the clips that a production model of the camera will give. The good news is that if there turns out to be a difference when the camera is released it will probably be to the better.

Here are our results:

The clips are standard MOV-files that will open directly in QuickTime. We also tried with the latest version of VLC. That worked fine on Mac and but not in Windows. In iMovie the clip was imported fine, but converted like any other MPEG4-clip will be in that program. In Final Cut Pro the clips could be dropped right into the program with no conversion. And it was possible to start editing right away.

Visually they look better than HDV. Something that shouldn’t come as a surprise considering the specifications. HDV is 25 mbit/s MPEG2. The clips from the 5D is 40 mbit/s MPEG4. The H.264 codec used in the 5D is in some conditions regarded roughly 50% better than MPEG2. When you add the bandwidth in the 5D that is nearly twice the bandwidth of HDV you get video footage with less compression artifacts.

Hard panning in the clips looks good and it seems like Canon have managed the timing of the shutter very well.

It looks like the GOP-structure of the clips are one I-frame for each 15 P-frame. No B-frames.

The auto-exposure seems to follow along well through the clip. We were not able to analyze the focusing or stabilizing. According to Canon the image stabilization of Canon’s IS-lenses is active during video recording.

All in all this looks very promising and the 5D Mark II looks like a device that can cause quite a change in how we do field production. The possibility to add an external stereo mic and the fact that you can shoot full resolution stills while filming will open new possibilities for news reporters. (Shooting stills while filming will give a short break in the video, but the camera continues filming after the still image has been stored).

Click the thumbnails below to see the bitrate histogram and the properties of the clip.

Other articles in english here at

What is NRKbeta?
Norwegian Broadcasting (NRK) makes popular series available DRM-free via BitTorrent
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And you also might waht to have a look at our image gallery and the video showing the 5D Mark II (article in Norwegian).

66 kommentarer

  1. Eirik Solheim (NRK)

    Hehe. I own the exact same pack. 400D + HF1. So, I have considered that question.

    Even with my limited experience with the 5D MK2 at this point I would say yes, indeed!

    A 5D MK2 will replace the 400D + HF1 in my bag as soon as I get hold of one.

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  2. Eirik Solheim (NRK)

    Maybe, but I think the lack of an optical viewfinder during movie mode would be a showstopper for most professional cinematographers.

    And the recording format is not RAW. Professional cinematographers want RAW video recording to be able to color correct etc.

    But indie filmmakers? Not spoiled professional cinematographers… Probably.

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  3. jeg synes det er spesielt at dere har begynt å skrive noen av sakene deres på engelsk. jeg skjønner motivasjonen, men er dere tjent med heftig trafikk en gang i ny og ne egentlig? må det ikke være bedre å fortsette å lage en bra nettside på norsk for nordmenn som sjekker innom til stadighet.

    egentlig er dette et kompliment fra en fast leser. helt sant.

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  4. Knut A. Helgeland

    NilsTh: «Do you think this camera would be a viable option for indie filmmakers? Looked at the clips at Canons site, and they really good.»

    As long as the camera shoots only 30fps, it cannot be used for any film making. 25fps would give it a European potential, 24fps would really help – 30fps is likely to only be used for web publishing.

    So why pick 30fps for the 5DMkII? Well, Canon make video camcorders too…


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  5. Eirik Solheim (NRK)

    Noen få ganger skriver vi på engelsk eller engelsk + norsk.

    Og spørsmålet ditt er relevant: hva skal vi med en haug internasjonale besøkende en gang i blant? De er jo av null verdi som returnerende lesere på en norsk blogg.

    Men vi har en grunn. En og annen artikkel på Digg, Slashdot, Engadget eller lignende fører automatisk til en enorm mengde linker fra andre nettsider.

    Disse linkene teller Google til vår fordel. Slik at NRKbeta sin generelle google rank øker. Det gir mer trafikk på lang sikt. Det gir NRKbeta høyere treff også på norske søk.

    NRKbeta trenger trafikken sin for at vi skal kunne rettferdiggjøre prosjektet.

    Så, en og annen engelsk artikkel er bare en del av vår store strategi for å totalt sett gjøre NRKbeta bedre.

    Til glede og nytte for alle sammen. Også de som ikke leser Engelsk.

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  6. Etter min menig this blog «must» be in English NRK will then broaden the audience and get even more interesting comments on the content. I will be supersized if the readers of this blog will read and contribute less if it was available for everybody!

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  7. Hello.
    Do you think that it would be possible to take a video and stop it. And then copy the image and work with the image that has now become a picture in Photoshop. And what kind of quality do you think that picture will become

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  8. Øyvind Solstad (NRK)

    @Heidrun: When the EOS 5DmkII records video, you can press the button to take «normal» stil images. When you do that, the video redording stops for about a second. The camera then inserts your still image into the video, preventing you from getting just dark where you shot still images. After the image is shot, the recording continues.

    The still image is also stored as a normal still image, in the quality you have set the camera up with, potentially up to 21 megapixels.

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  9. Vincent Laforet Shows The First Shots from the Canon EOS 5D Mark II | Mats Lindh

    […] more information about the EOS 5D Mark II and the video mode, NRKBeta has a long article analyzing the video output from the beast itself. I can’t wait. Too bad the price here in Norway is above USD 4000, so it’s actually […]

    Svar på denne kommentaren

  10. » One gadget to change an industry

    […] published a short article on NRKbeta with our results after having a look at a video clip from the camera earlier this week. And a norwegian article with some images and a video showing the […]

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  11. Canon EOS 5D Mark II Could Change the Equation « Multimedia Evangelist

    […] radio and public broadcasting company, has also tested the 5D and has put up its’ analysis of the video on their NRKbeta technology site. Here is an excerpt: The clips are standard MOV-files that will […]

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  12. I have had a look at the Nikon D90 video output because I want a single camera that will take excellent video snapshots of interesting subjects as well as highest-quality still photos. I was very disappointed in the D90’s video quality–although being 1280 x 720 HD, it was very inferior to the video quality of my Canon G9 point-and-shoot digital camera’s video in standard 640 x 480.

    Unfortunately, I cannot read the Norsk report on the D90 video elsewhere on the NRKbeta website. Can anyone supply me with the essential elements of this report?

    Thank you,

    Howard Ritter
    hlritter [at] bex [dot] net

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  13. HD video is no problem for film makers. Otherwise the Red camera or any other HD camera would not be feasible.

    Frame rate is not an insurmountable problem. We have people who can fix that 😀

    Anyway ; HD capable video cameras keep dropping in price. They may be more practical for film use than an EOS 5D2.


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  14. Game changer? : Notes from a Teacher

    […] thing will shoot 12 minutes of HD video that’s stored as .mov files. The website NRK Beta reports the resulting files can be dropped into Final Cut Pro with no conversion for right-away […]

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  15. Speilreflekskamera med video bare tull? | Bilder fra Nord Norge

    […] aldri vært et savn i DSLR kameraet mitt, men når jeg leser omtalen det får fra Dagbladet og NRK så har jeg veldig lyst å eksperimentere med det. Jeg har hatt lyst til å lage Det er vel bare å […]

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  16. Knut A. Helgeland

    Kellendil: It’s called Noglish, or Norweglish. Get it right.

    Tarjej: Frame rate is a BIG issue, even with a high-end frame rate converter using motion estimation you’ll have issues with 30p. Remember, 30p is not compatible with anything except computers – not NTSC, not PAL, and not film.

    And finally, the reasons for why we’re all talking about this and not HD camcorders are 1) lenses, and the ability to shoot at very low aperture ranges, in low light conditions that no camcorder can shoot in; and 2) color resolution and video compression, which is better in this camera than in any of the prosumer HD camcorders available today.


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  17. Eirik Solheim (NRK)

    I know. My English is far from perfect. Fortunately most people don’t care and manage to understand what I’m writing anyway. But I’m very open for corrections. Please let me know if you have any specific concerns regarding the language in this article.

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  18. Det er kjempesøtt med nordmenn som diskuterar seg i mellom på engelsk.

    @Eirik Solheim: Eg håpar at du forstår at poenget til Kellendil var «Skriv på norsk!».

    Vedrørande «internasjonal interesse»: Du meiner eigentleg å seia at det ikkje er nok interessante nordmenn å driva journalistikk for.

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  19. Ernesto Mántaras

    Hi. I have been wondering, and this is a very important thing when considering shooting video with this camera, can you lock aperture, shutter speed and others while recording video with this camera? Can those variables also be changed in the middle of the recording (like, say, aperture)? This is a quite important thing, since everything else seems to excel with this piece of equipment, and it’s something that I haven’t been able to confirm anywhere yet.
    Thanks in advance. Regards.

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  20. Poenget mitt er at en bra artikkel på norsk nok vil trekke mer folk enn en artikkel på gebrokkent engelsk.

    Når der gjelder spesifikke feil i denne artikkelen, så synes jeg det ikke har så mye for seg å sette seg ned og plukke den i småbiter, da dette er noe som burde bli gjort før den ble publisert.

    Men kan nevne en spesifikk ting som irriterte meg:
    «That worked fine on Mac and not in Windows.» Her blir det, etter min mening, helt feil å bruke «and».

    Når det er sagt, så må jeg også få si at jeg forstår initiativet, og siden jeg liker nrkbeta godt, så håper jeg den får bestå.

    (kan vel også nevne at jeg er ganske interressert i kameraet også, sånn for ordens skyld 😀 )

    Svar på denne kommentaren

  21. Øyvind Solstad (NRK)

    Hårfagre skrev:

    Vedrørande “internasjonal interesse”: Du meiner eigentleg å seia at det ikkje er nok interessante nordmenn å driva journalistikk for.

    Hm, det er ikke helt der vi er. Av og til har vi saker som rett og slett er interessant å legge ut for flere enn nordmenn. Dette har vi publisert en egen artikkel om her på NRKbeta:

    Vi har også saker som vi har stor interesse av å legge ut på engelsk, fordi vi ønsker at samarbeidspartnere, firmaer og enkeltpersoner som ikke forstår norsk skal kunne lese og kommentere.

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  22. Eirik Solheim (NRK)

    Da tolker jeg nok ting for bokstavlelig. Jeg så mer den kommentaren som et hint om at vi burde ta en ekstra titt på formuleringer og rettskriving når vi poster på engelsk.

    Du ser grunnen til at vi av og til poster på engelsk i artikkelen som Øyvind har linket til over.

    Når det gjelder min forespørsel om konkrete problemer så er det fordi jeg generelt finner det mer fruktbart enn kommentarer av typen «Dette er elendig. Punktum.» Er helt enig i at setningen du påpeker ikke er god. Har fikset den.

    Men jeg forstår også at en fullstendig omstrukturering av artikkelen nå bare blir rotete.

    Vi skjønner med andre ord hva du mener og tar gjerne en ekstra runde på språket når vi poster på engelsk neste gang.

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  23. Som jeg nevnte, jeg ser absolutt misjonen med å poste artikler på engelsk nå og da.

    Du drar helt riktig slutning når du tror jeg etterlyser bedre språk 🙂

    Du har helt rett i at min kommentar ikke var spesielt konstruktiv, men det er heller ikke så mye som er direkte feil i artikkelen, det er bare tungvindte formuleringer og heller dårlige setninger, som, for meg, gjorde artikkelen tung å lese.

    Jeg er ganske opptatt av at språket skal flyte, og jeg synes dere gjør en bra jobb på de norske artiklene deres, så jeg synes det er positivt at dere tar til dere kritikken.

    Jeg skal prøve å vere litt mer konstruktiv i fremtiden.

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  24. Eirik Solheim (NRK)

    Takk. Vi lærer mens vi går. Og jeg skjønner at problemet med artikkelen her er mer i retning «flyter dårlig» enn helt konkrete skrivefeil. De fleste som skriver her på NRKbeta er ingeniører og ikke journalister, så vi har helt klart en del utfordringer i forhold til språk. Og som nevnt, vi tar gladelig imot konstruktiv kritikk!

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  25. Eirik Solheim (NRK)

    Hehe. Jim the man:

    Wipe you minds of the past announced Scarlet. Forget the design and forget the price. It is all different now. We think you will be surprised. Glad we didn’t take any deposits… 🙂


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  26. Hi I was able to try a test unit of the 5d Mark2 locally here in the Philippines. I couldnt figure out manual exposure with it on video mode. Where you able to operate manually or were you stuck at auto exposure. Im talking about the video mode function. Thanks a lot

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  27. Øystein Horgmo

    Interessant test. Jeg driver med medisinsk foto og video, hovedsaklig for nett, og 5D MkII ser ut til å potensielt kunne erstatte endel av både foto- og videoutstyret mitt. Noen spørsmål:

    1. Hva kan justeres manuelt i videomodus, og hva er låst til auto?
    2. Har man noen kontroll med nivået på lydinngangen?
    3. Kan man monitorere lyden (headsett/meter)?

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  28. Canon 5D Mark II in the house

    […] elskverdige og lånt oss ett av sine to 5D Mark II kameraer for test. Vi har tidligere gjort noen en liten test av video på dette kameraet, og skrevet relativt mye om det allerede, men nå har vi det mellom våre klamme […]

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  29. Wow, thanks for the awesome data! Cool to see your analysis of the GOP structure, very helpful. Have you considered converting the footage to Apple Intermediate Codec or Appl ProRes 422? IMHO, this simple transcode would eliminate the long-GOP strain on your NLE’s CPU as well as optimize the source footage for multi-format timelines in Final Cut Pro.

    I’ve posted a quick video tutorial to perform this transcode using Final Cut Pro and Compressor:

    Would love to hear your thoughts!

    proactively • peter

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  30. hello guys..
    i have just tested this camera in london a preproduction model..
    i believe it is a little bit of a revolution..
    the red company must be concerned..
    the fact is this is canons first stab at this converging technology and already it is such an exciting piece of kit.
    if the company in the future can do 25 and 24 speeds and proper manual f.stop..asa locks on the camera when in video mode then that would be earth shattering.
    as it is we have a bit of a work around…
    they have let the technology out of the bag now…nikon in the future will have to respond.
    canon have a video broadcast division so have to be careful in not destroying different divisions within the company do not and i hope they will react with something great.
    images are looking clean at 3000 to 4000asa which if you are used to shooting 500asa motion picture film,is incredible..
    30fps is not good…
    but folks start emailing canon and tell them you need to be able choose and lock asa and f.stops…having the camera pick asa and doing an auto plus or minus really hinders the potency of this beast..

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  31. «IMHO, this simple transcode would eliminate the long-GOP strain on your NLE’s CPU as well as optimize the source footage for multi-format timelines in Final Cut Pro.»

    Not necessary. And unless you use an uncompressed format, you’re unnecessarily recompressing your footage. And then you’ll likely be compressing it yet again for distribution.

    Avoid lossy recompression whenever possible.

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  32. Marcel said an interesting this about this flickering with indoor light in Europe. Does anybody noticed the same thing? Most of video examples shooted with the 5D were made outdoor or indoor but with natural light. What about with neon and standard indoor light?

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  33. Christian Tillmanns

    In my tests I got flickering when the shutter speed gets to short. In case you encounter flickering you may use ND filters in order to extend exposure time. That will eliminate the flicker.

    I found that my 5D performs super good in average situations, BUT certain gradient blue tones (for example: blue sky) gets really really heavy about 11×11 pixel big artifacts. It looks rather like a webcam image but not like the high bitrate h264 it is. Did any of you encounter this behavior?

    I have samples for that «gradient blues» 😉 if anyone wants to see it.

    I think it shows up when the cam gets a lot of light and the sensor produces a very clean image. As soon as the light gets very low and the sensor starts to produce some noise the big block artifacts disappear.



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  34. Anybody have any idea how to get digital video out of this baby live, so I can broadcast it? The lack of viewfinder in video mode i can live with, but not that it has no firewire output for live video.

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