Arkiv for Arkiver: Links

A note from the editor-in-chief about Chris Ziegler

Hey everyone — there have been questions about Chris Ziegler and his absence from The Verge in the past few weeks. I want to provide answers for those who have been worried about him. First,…

The Netflix Backlash

Not many months ago, an original series landed on Netflix to some critical acclaim. Viewership, of course, was a mystery, but the launch seemed to make some noise. Yet the show’s creator —…

Recovering an iPhone 5c Passcode

Remember the San Bernardino killer’s iPhone, and how the FBI maintained that they couldn’t get the encryption key without Apple providing them with a universal backdoor? Many of us computer-security…

What Unites and Divides Americans

So, where’s the hope? This presidential campaign has set Americans against each other, ­deepening disagreements into divisions. Is a country as big, diverse, and ornery as the United…

Someone Is Learning How to Take Down the Internet

Over the past year or two, someone has been probing the defenses of the companies that run critical pieces of the Internet. These probes take the form of precisely calibrated attacks designed to…

Google-topp «avslører» ny søketrend

– 20 prosent av alle søk på Google er nå stemmebaserte, hva betyr egentlig det for dere som er markedsførere, spør Kate Adams fra Google. Adams er Head of Performance…

A Pokedex Aimer Phone Case! by CarryTheWhat

WATCH THE VIDEO HERE : Since uploading the original video on Instagram on August 2nd, we’ve received thousands of messages asking us to release the design!…

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