Og hva var nå «Web 2.0» igjen?

Kategorier: Nettkultur & Video

Siden vi har kastet oss på «Web 3.0», så vet jeg ikke noen bedre måte å forklare «Web 2.0» enn denne videoen:

«The Machine is Us/ing Us (Final Version)» av Michael Wesch

Videoen er lisensiert med en Creative Commons-lisens. Det betyr at du kan klippe den opp, endre den, bytte ut og sette inn ting – så lenge du krediterer Michael Wesch og ikke selger den:

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License. So you are welcome to download it, share it, even change it, just as long as you give me some credit and you don’t sell it or use it to sell anything. I received many more positive comments than negative about the song choice (great work Deus!), but if you are one of those who does not like the song just download the video and change the audio track to your liking.

Du kan laste ned versjoner med bedre kvalitet her:

Windows Media (55 MB):

Quicktime (96 MB):


Den siste linken, Mojiti er til et nettsted hvor du kan legge til tekst i videoen, slik f. eks. at den får svenske tekster. Litt video 2.0, om du vil… Ikke så ulikt Viddler, som du kan lese om på NRKbeta om litt.


Musikken er gruppa Deus. Låten heter «There is nothing impossible» og den har også Creative Commons-lisens. Den kan du altså bruke, remikse og publisere, så lenge du krediterer Deus, ikke bruker den kommersielt og lar andre remikse ditt arbeide igjen.


Detaljene i lisensen er her. Du kan jo f. eks. laste ned gratis musikk fra Moby, og putte den på i stedet…


Teksten i videoen er da også Creative Commons. Her er den:

Text is linear

Text is unlinear

Text is said to be unlinear

Text is often said to be unlinear

Text is unlinear when written on paper

Digital text is different.

Digital text is more flexible.

Digital text is moveable.

Digital text is above all…hyper.

Digital hypertext is above all…

hypertext is above all…

hypertext can link

hypertext can link



or here…

virtually anywhere

anywhere virtually

anywhere virtual

The WayBack Machine

Take Me Back

Oct 17, 1996


View Source

Most early websites were written in HTML


HTML was designed to define the structure of a web document.

p is a structural element referring to “paragraph”


LI is also a structural element referring to “List Item”

As HTML expanded, more elements were added.

Including stylistic elements like B for bold and I for italics

Suck elements defined how content would be formatted.

In other words, form and content became inseparable in HTML

Digital Text can do better.

Form and content can be separated.


View Source

XML was designed to do just that.

same with


and virtually all other elements in this document.

They describe the content, not the form.

So the data can be exported,

free of formatting constraints.

Latest News

Anthro Blogs (124)

Savage Minds

8apps: Social Networking for Productive People


Antrho Journals (124)

University of California Press

Journals Digital Publishing

Current Anthropology


With form separated from content, users did not need to know complicated code to upload content to the web,

I’m Feeling Lucky

Create Blog

Name Your Blog

Beyond Etext

Choose a template

Your blog has been created!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Hello World!


There’s a blog born every half second

and it’s not just text…Search


Broadcast Yourself

This is a video response to The Beauty of Being Human


Ahoy mwesch!

Upload Photos

Anthropology club

Created by you.

KSU Anthropology club

Club Photos


XML facilitates automated data exchange

two sites can “mash” data together

flickr maps

I’m Feeling Lucky


Fluffy and white

Brushy Creek

Tokyo Delve’s Sushi B..

Who will organize all of this data?


digital ethnography hypermedia anthropology


Who will organize all of this data?

We will.

You will.


XML + U & Me create a database-backed web

a database-backed web is different

the web is different

the web

we are the web

I’m Feeling Lucky


We Are the Web

by Kevin Kelly

“When we post and then tag pictures

teaching the Machine to give names,

we are teaching the Machine.

Each time we forge a link,

we teach it an idea.

Think of the 100 billion times per day humans click on a Web page

teaching the Machine”

the Machine



Highlight and Sticky note

Mwesch’s private note

the machine is us

Digital text is no longer just linking information…

Hypertext is no longer just linking information…

The Web is no longer just linking information…

The Web is linking people…

Web 2.0 is linking people…

…people sharing, tracing, and collaborating…


Web 2.0

edit this page

We’ll need to rethink a few things…

We’ll need to rethink copyright

We’ll need to rethink authorship

We’ll need to rethink identity

We’ll need to rethink ethics

We’ll need to rethink aesthetics

We’ll need to rethink rhetorics

We’ll need to rethink governance

We’ll need to rethink privacy

We’ll need to rethink commerce

We’ll need to rethink love

We’ll need to rethink family

We’ll need to rethink ourselves.

3 kommentarer

  1. Google Docs utvides med presentasjoner

    […] Google Docs og andre program på nettet som for eksempel Adobe sin onlineversjon av Photoshop peikar vidare mot utviklinga kjent som Web 2.0, eventuelt Web 3.0, der fleire og fleire av oppgåvene i ein databrukars kvardag blir gjort på nettet i staden for gjennom diverse program på maskina. google google docs powerpoint web 2.0 web 3.0Del denne artikkelen (Facebook, e-post, bokmerker etc.) […]

    Svar på denne kommentaren

  2. LeWeb3: Hvordan gjøre nettstedet sosialt?

    […] Kevin, som har vært med på den store kreative bølgen som ledet fram til web 2.0, synes det er kjedelig at internett preges av idétørke for tiden. – Det er lite innovasjon i bransjen og selv om mye hypes på konferanser er det er lenge siden vi så noe banebrytende som Facebook, og de greiene. Hver gang det kommer en ny ide, så kommer det hundrevis av dårlige kopier. digg kevin rose leweb3Del denne artikkelen (Facebook, e-post, bokmerker etc.) […]

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